Youthpass is a tool, process and a strategy to foster recognition and validation of learning in youth work.
As a tool, Youthpass helps to document and recognise learning outcomes from youth work and solidarity activities. It is available for projects funded by Erasmus+: Youth in Action and European Solidarity Corps Programmes. The Youthpass certificate helps to document the development of competences, as well as to confirm participation and describe the respective project. An essential part of the initiative is attention to the planning of the learning process and reflection upon the participants' personal learning outcomes. The Youthpass Strategy aims at fostering the recognition and validation of non-formal and informal learning in the European youth field.
The main ideas behind Youthpass are to enhance reflection on learning and competence development in youth work, receive greater recognition of youth work throughout Europe, support the employability of young people and youth workers, and promote active participation of young people. Since 2005, the SALTO Training and Cooperation RC has been in charge of the development and implementation of Youthpass, on behalf of the European Commission.
How does the SALTO Training and Cooperation RC manage Youthpass?
The SALTO Training and Cooperation RC...
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